My post is to give a shout out to my scrapbooking buddies. I had such a blast in March at Ashland - good food, good conversation, lots of scrappin'.
Unknown to me, the contest was on for the best cock award - let me set the scene. At the Warren Center, it seems that each room has some type of rooster picture, whether small or large. My pal Kristen M, was quite in a fluster to find out that the girls weekend was truly not a 'cock free' one as planned. So, begins having a crop cock with us.
So the contest is on, for the next crop to have the best cock to represent you! Here are some pictures of this years activities:
The prize - isn't he cute!

The girls around the big rooster pic in the stairway

Kristin and her scary mask (she made me laugh all weekend)

And so the hunt is on - I will be ready for next year. Cock-a-doodle-doo